Domingos Caldas Barbosa e Mme. Deshoullières - Reflexões sobre a posteridade. Article published in Navegações: Journal of Literature and Culture Portuguese Language (n.6, v.1/2013), Pontifícia Universidade Católica - Rio Grande do Sul.
Article "Sem Rainha, mas Soberana: A Música em Portugal na Ausência da Corte" (Without a queen, but sovereign: Music in Portugal in absence of the court), published in the book "O Reino sem Corte (1807 – 1821)" (The Reign without Court, 1807-1821), coordination Ana Leal and Maria Adelina Amorim, Editora Tribuna da História, Lisbon, 2010.
Article "Poemas musicados de Machado de Assis" (Poems by Machado de Assis set to music) in the book "Lembrar Machado 1908-2008" (Remembering Machado 1908-2008), organized by Vania Pinheiro Chagas, Lauro Moreira, Solange Aparecida Cardoso, Centro de Literaturas de Expressão Portuguesa das Universidades de Lisboa, Brazilian Mission at Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, Lisbon, 2009.
Provided to MUSICOTECA, for publishing, copies of all original manuscripts of the unedited work of Sigismund Neukomm - "20 Modinhas Portuguesas de Joquim Manoel da Câmara" –
kept at Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Not responsible, however, for revision of the final edition or the Introductory Note contained therein. Lisbon, 1998/2000.
Provided data used in the book "Mulheres Compositoras" (Woman Composers) by Nilceia Cleide da Silva Baroncelli, MinC/Pró- Memória, Instituto Nacional do Livro, S. Paulo, Brasil, 1987.
Cooperated in the column "História da Música Brasileira" (History of Brazilian Music), Mário Leônidas Casanova, Jornal da Tarde, S. Paulo (1980 to 1983).
"Looking anew at Domingos Caldas Barbosa", IX Seminário Internacional da História da Literatura, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, October 4, 2011.
"Brazilian Music in the Light of its Poetry", Centro de Literaturas de Expressão Portuguesa da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, March 22, 2001.
"Music in the time of King Pedro", Estudos Brasileiros, Universidade de Coimbra, March 22, 2000.
“Portugal – Tradição e Atualidade na Arte Decorativa” (Portugal – Tradition and Actuality in Decorative Arts),
with the presence of President Mário Soares - Cancioneiro Popular and Liras de Tomaz,
A. Gonzaga, Anna Maria Kieffer - Edelton Gloeden - Luiza Sawaya - Gisela Nogueira - Museu da Casa Brasileira, São Paulo, March 1987.
"Brasil: da Inconfidência à Independência" (Brazil: from Inconfidence to Independence), opening evening of the exhibition of the Centro de Literaturas de Expressão Portuguesa de Lisboa, Faculty of Letters of Lisbon University, illustrated with a recital of “modinhas” and “lundus” with the participation of tenor Fernando Serafim and pianist Alexandra Torrens. Atrium of Lisbon Faculty of Letters, Lisbon, April 6, 2000.
Historical reconstitution for the birth Bicentennary of Almeida Garrett (1799 - 1999), illustrated with songs on poems by this author. Biblioteca Municipal Braancamp Freire, Santarém, September 11, 1999.
"O Lundu e a Modinha nos 250 Anos de Queluz" (“Lundu” and “Modinha” at the 250 Years of Queluz), recital with pianist Marina Brandão, closure of the commemorative colloquium. Queluz National Palace, October 14, 1997.
Master Class on "Dois Momentos de Oito Compositores Brasileiros" (Two Moments of Eight Brazilian Composers), Oporto Music Conservatory, with pianist Marina Brandão, June 1991.
Provided scores for the CD “Viagem pelo Brasil” (Travelling through Brazil) by Anna Maria Kieffer, Gisela Nogueira and Edelton Gloeden, S.Paulo, Brazil.
Contributed with scores and guidance on the interpretation of Brazilian pieces for the CD "Evocação" (Evocation), by Filomena Amaro (soprano) and Gabriela Canavilhas (pianist), Lisbon, Portugal, 1995.
Musical illustration of conferences:
"O encontro de Lereno e a Marquesa de Alorna no Palácio de Fronteira" (Meeting of Lereno with the Marquise of Alorna at Fronteira Palace), recital with pianist Joe Coronado, illustrating the launch conference of the book "A Marquesa de Alorna" by Vanda Anastácio. Foundation of the Houses Fronteira and Alorna, April 28, 2009.
"Música no Tempo de D. Pedro" (Music in the time of King Pedro), illustration of the conference held by Maestro Manuel Ivo Cruz at the Grémio Literário, with pianist Alexandra Torrens, Lisbon, May 30, 2000.
Lundu and Modinha on the 250 years of Queluz Luiza Sawaya and Marina Brandão Queluz National Palace, October 1997
Luiza Sawaya - Fernando Serafim - Alexandra Torrens - Atrium Faculty of Letters of Lisbon University, April 6, 2000
Maestro Manuel Ivo Cruz - Luiza Sawaya - Alexandra Torrens - Lisbon, May / 2000.
Lundu and Modinha on the 250 years of Queluz Luiza Sawaya and Marina Brandão Queluz National Palace, October 1997
"Modinhas", with Regina Schlochauer, Globo News, "Almanaque", Beth Pacheco, Rio de Janeiro, March 12, 2008.
"As Ilhas Atlânticas e o Brasil" (The Atlantic Islands and Brazil), testimony about the “lundu” in Carlos Brandão Lucas’ video, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000.
"Cancioneiro de Cesar das Neves" (Cesar das Neves Songbook), with Achille Picchi, RTP 2, Forum Musical, Paula Aresta, Lisboa, January 7, 1994.
"Cancioneiro de Cesar das Neves" (Cesar das Neves Songbook), with Achille Picchi, Foundation Padre Anchieta, Radio e Televisão Cultura, 1º Movimento, Jamil Maluf, São Paulo, May 14, 1991.
"Guimarães, Capital da Cultura - Nova Friburgo e os Fundadores Alemães - Ludwig Lindenberg e seu irmão Eduard Lindenberg", (Guimarães, Cultural Capital – Nova Friburgo and its German Founders – Ludwig Lindenberg and his brother Eduard Lindenberg). Lisbon, April 9, 2012
Música Brasileira (Brazilian Music), RDP - Antena 2, "Acontece", Gabriela Canavilhas and Vitor Nobre, Lisboa, September 19, 2000.
"O Sete de Setembro" (The Seventh of September), with Ambassador José Gregori, RDP - Antena 2, "Jardim da Música", Judite Lima, Lisbon, September 7, 1992.
XODÓ – Canções Brasileiras para Não Esquecer (Brazilian Songs Never to Forget)
Francisca Aquino - Luiza Sawaya - Julia Peres
Museu Paulista, São Paulo, March 2010
Foundation Padre Anchieta, Radio e Televisão Cultura, São Paulo, with Walter Lourenção, "Clássicos em Revisa" (Classics Revisited) (1991) , "Conexão São Paulo" (1998), "Boulevard Cultura" (1998) and Julio Medaglia, "Ad Libitum" (1989).